Recycled Hearing Aids Scheme
We pioneered this scheme whereby we recycle hearing aids that have been donated to us, and distribute these within the Hutt Valley community to benefit people who cannot afford new hearing aids.
We clean and sanitise the donated hearing aids. Once allocated, we arrange to get them recalibrated to meet their new owner’s needs.
If you need hearing aids and you can’t afford new ones, contact us, as we might be able to provide you with recycled devices.
Note that we do not sell hearing aids. We do sell competitively priced hearing aid batteries.
Hearing aid donations
If you have hearing aids that you no longer need or want, please bring them into our office, or send them in the mail. Head over to the contact page to find out our details.
Your donation will be gratefully received. It will make a big difference in the life of someone in our community (and their whānau and friends) who might be struggling to cope because they can’t hear properly.