Resources and Information
Funding for hearing aids
In New Zealand, hearing aids are free for children with hearing loss. Adults can access a range of government subsidies. You may be able to get free hearing aids, or you may need to use some of your own money for this. We operate a service recycling donated hearing aids, which we can then provide to people in need at no cost.
If hearing aids are recommended by your GP or audiologist to help improve your hearing, you may be able to get government assistance for buying them.
If your hearing loss is the result of prolonged occupational noise exposure or a sudden trauma that has damaged your hearing, you may be eligible for ACC funding towards hearing aids.
Find out more on the ACC website.
Veterans’ Affairs
You may be eligible for subsidised hearing aids and devices if your hearing was damaged or you developed tinnitus while serving in the New Zealand Defence Forces. Eligibility depends on things like whether you receive a war pension as well as your degree of disability.
Find out more on the Veterans’ Affairs website.
Work and Income NZ
Contact your local WINZ office for information about support for purchasing hearing devices.
Vincentian Foundation for the Elderly
The foundation’s current focus is on providing grants to help fund hearing aids for seniors on low incomes throughout New Zealand. These provide up to $600 per hearing aid, as long as you meet their criteria. Find out more on the Vinnies’ website.
Ministry of Health subsidies
Here’s general information on the ministry’s website about equipment for people who are deaf or have hearing loss.
Most adult New Zealand residents are eligible for government help with hearing aids from the Ministry of Health. There are two types of assistance: subsidised, and fully-funded.
Hearing Aid Subsidy Scheme
If you have a permanent hearing loss, and you don’t qualify for funding from other sources, you may be eligible for a subsidy of $511.11 per hearing aid, once every six years.
Find out more about the ministry’s subsidy scheme.
Hearing Aid Funding Scheme
You are eligible for this scheme if you have a permanent hearing loss. It fully funds your hearing aids as long as you meet their criteria.
Find out more about the ministry’s funding scheme.
Enable New Zealand administers both subsidies including applications for Ministry of Health funding for hearing aid services.
Hutt Hospital services
Hutt Valley DHB provides assessment and ongoing support for the hearing impaired through their community specialist nursing and support services. This requires a referral from your doctor.
Depending on what government subsidies you are eligible for, there may be no charge for the hospital services, or you may need to pay some of your own money towards hearing devices
National Foundation for Deaf & Hard of Hearing
This organisation provides grants for new hearing aids to new Zealanders who are facing financial hardship. Apply on their website.
Most hearing aid services for adults are provided by the private sector, for example by audiologists who are members of the New Zealand Audiology Society. Contact us for details of independent audiologists in the Hutt Valley who are members of the NZAS.